Incident Management Guidelines
A hostile person or group may use several forms of attack against a target concurrently. The complex attack typically aims to kill or injure as many people as possible, significantly damage critical infrastructures, or enable instigators to effect a kidnapping. Such attacks are usually more thoroughly planned than other forms of risk, and are typically aimed at a specific target rather than being opportunistic in nature due to the complexity of planning required and the resources required. Effective risk mitigation and security planning will form the basis for responding to complex attacks.
In the event of a complex attack incident occurring, the following points should be addressed:
- Stand up the Incident Management and Crisis Response Teams using the SAD CHALETS system.
- Mobilize all security personnel, and implement security response protocols.
- Notify all employees, and move staff to safe areas/havens if possible.
- Lock down all access control points and facilities to restrict unauthorized movements.
- Raise the alert status and security posture of the facility to the predefined state and mobilize security staff, closing down access control points and securing buildings.
- Notify supporting military or police agencies; nominate an incident control point (ICP) and safe route into the area.
- Locate aggressors and establish a cordon with security response groups.
- Determine the size and composition of the aggressor group, and relay the information to security response personnel.
- Determine the agenda and objectives of the aggressor group, and instigate countermeasures.
- Implement other aspects of the IMP as they relate to the incident.
- Provide an IMP Risk Assessment Report as soon as possible.
- Provide a postincident report when the crisis is over.