Incident Management Guidelines
In high‐risk locations, a failure to report in or communicate with managers may result in staff being reported and considered missing within a very short time frame. In typical operating environments, the term missing is usually applied only after the person has been out of contact for more than 24 hours (36 hours in a low‐risk area).
In the event of a missing person incident, the following steps should be taken:
- Stand up the Incident Management and Crisis Response Teams using the SAD CHALETS system.
- The appointed manager is to establish facts with the last person to be in contact with the missing person.
- Inform the appropriate consulate/embassy/law enforcement or military agencies.
- Check with local hospitals to see if the person has been admitted.
- Check with local police stations to see whether the person has been arrested or reported injured.
- Ascertain the last known whereabouts of the person and who, if anyone, the individual was with.
- Check personnel records to see if the person has a medical condition, or a history of losing consciousness as well as any medical risks the person might face.
- Contact all possible locations (business and personal) where the person may have visited, or where the individual may now be.
- Determine whether security teams or personnel can search areas or locations where the person might be.
- Consider the use of a local investigator who could be of assistance in locating the person or determining what has happened.
- Liaise with the person's family through an appointed manager.
- Appoint a media spokesperson and prepare statements if necessary.
- Keep a running account of the situation, updating as things occur; retain reports, and distribute information.
- Begin to record information within the record of events log.
- Forward all information through the correct communication channels, and update where necessary.
- Provide an IMP Risk Assessment Report as soon as possible.