Vehicle‐Borne IED Incident Management

Incident Management Guidelines

A vehicleborne improvised explosive device (VBIED) will be in the form of a static vehicle or a mobile/static suicide bomber, set on a timer, set on a tilt mechanism, or remotely detonated. Standard operating procedures should be in place to limit the opportunities for unauthorized vehicles containing explosives to enter a secured area. This will include both physical measures (barriers, gates, guards) and policies and procedures (see appropriate security plan for the project).

In the event of a VBIED incident occurring, the following points should be addressed:

  1. Stand up the Incident Management and Crisis Response Teams using the SAD CHALETS system.
  2. Move to the predefined Security Alert Status, in which all security personnel are mobilized.

  3. Take shelter (lie down, move behind or into a hard structure, move away)—refer to explosive hazard distances diagram for details.

  4. Establish a casualty management point.

  5. Assist casualties and walking wounded—provide Casualty Reports as per Communications Plan.

  6. Establish an Incident Control Point (ICP) to coordinate responses and meet external response groups—notify responding agencies of the location and of safe routes into the site.

  7. Confirm there are no secondary devices—conduct a security sweep.

  8. Implement the six Cs:
      • Confirm. Confirm the presence of the suspect device. This should be a oneperson task (if appropriate) and needs to be done from a distance whenever possible. Maximum use should be made of hard cover and spotting equipment through such means as binoculars or scopes.

      • Clear. Clear the area around the device of all personnel, working from the device outward, to a distance of 900 feet. Maximum use should be made of hard cover, such as buildings. No one should be in clear sight of the threat area.

      • Cordon. Cordon off the 900foot danger area and set up an Incident Control Point (ICP) for followon agencies to meet at. Personnel who are being cleared from the area should be checked at random to deter additional threats.

      • Control. Control the cordonedoff area to ensure that only authorized access is achieved. Only emergency services should be allowed to breach the cordon through the control point. Any breaches of the cordon should be reported immediately to the Incident Response Team (IRT) Commander.

      • Check. All personnel stationed on the cordon should check their immediate area for secondary devices and hazards. Any suspicious items should be reported to the situation commander, and their position should be marked.

      • Coordinate. Commercial companies will rarely manage an explosive hazard in isolation from external government or military support. Therefore, effective coordination between company and external management and response teams is critical for the safe resolution of the situation.

  9. Send out security alerts according to the crisis Communications Plan to notify staff to avoid the area if traveling.

  10. Mobilize the Quick Response Force (QRF) if appropriate to mitigate possible secondary attacks.

  11. Notify medical facilities and support agencies (see Communications Plan).

  12. Carry out a roll call of all employees and personnel.

  13. Begin a running log of events as they occur, recording activities.

  14. Do not divulge the names of casualties until their next of kin have been notified.

  15. Provide a Serious Incident Report (SIR) if required.

  16. Cordon off the site of a detonation—this is relevant for any forensic investigations, as well as to mitigate the threat from any secondary devices or unexploded ordnance.

  17. Consider alternative business locations for future business operations in the area.

  18. Increase security measures—conduct a full investigation of the incident using all agencies and methods available.

  19. Forward all information through the correct communication channels, and update where necessary.

  20. Provide an Incident Management Plan (IMP) Risk Assessment Report as soon as possible.


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